Adirondack Backpack Attack

This fall I went backpacking in the Adirondacks. Since it was so close to New England I assumed that it would be pretty similar. Not so. It's a long way in to Mt Marcy and some of the other major summit and some of the ridge trails are extremely challenging. When the guide book says 'not recommended for backpacking' they mean it. On the positive side there are some tremendous views not only of the Adirondacks but of most of the Green Mountains as well. It was a very different experience but I'm glad I did it.

Some of the sights were pretty familiar.

other things were different

The trails have names.
There are signs on the trails.
But the name of the trail is never on the sign...hmm.

That's OK. The view from the Slant Rock Shelter was very cool.

It was cold on top of Mt Marcy

But the visibility was great.

On the second day I climbed Basin Mt. This is the view on the way up at Haystack Col

These are the Gothics (I think)

And this is Mt Marcy, highest point in NY and highest in the Northeast outside of NH.